Traveller Information

Our travel information on how to get here, public transport, visas, money, healthcare and more makes navigating Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico easy.

Where is Lake Chapala in Mexico on Map

Where is Lake Chapala

Is about 40 kilometers (25 miles) south on Highway 23 from Guadalajara city. Major bus lines runs from this two points hourly from the principal bus stations and in some specific points in the GDL Metropolitan Area.
Distance from Guadalajara to Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico

Distance from Guadalajara to Lake Chapala

Is 39 Kilometers or 24 Miles, it is located literally near this big city less than an hour's drive. Basically has two main access points where you can get directly to the city of Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico or on
Weather In Lake Chapala Mexico

Weather In Lake Chapala Mexico

Average temperatures by Month and rainfall in Ajijic, San Juan Cosala, Jocotepec and San Antonio Tlaycapan Jalisco According to estimates made by National Geographic, it was concluded that the Weather In Lake Chapala Mexico is a second best worldwide, including the
Airport Near Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico

Airport Near Lake Chapala

Flights to the Closest International  Aeropuerto in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico The advantage of this destination, is to have an Airport Near Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico, that it is not disconnected from either the big city or the great roads. there
How Big is lake chapala Mexico

How Big is lake chapala

Can you Swimm? Size and Deph of the Biggest Lake in Mexico Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico is one of the largest lakes in the Mexican Republic  and is undoubtedly, one of the favorite places for the people who live in
How to Get to Lake Chapala Mexico

How to Get to Lake Chapala Mexico

The options of How to Get to Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico reach from Guadalajara International Airport are basically the same as those found at any other major airport in the world. Many of the standard airlines connecting to this airport are
Car Rental in Ajijic

Car Rental in Ajijic

Ajijic Car Rental in Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico as an option to move around Ajijic Jalisco Mexico it is a great choice if you want to make more of your time. Car Rental in Ajijic: Best Transportation in Lake Chapala Jalisco
Car Rental Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico

Car Rental Lake Chapala

Moving around in a Car Rental Lake Chapala and all along the Jalisco Mexico, this little beach and towns destination With all you have ahead to see and enjoy, so much to know and explore in just a little time

More Lake Chapala Jalisco Traveller Information

Arriving in Lake Chapala at Guadalajara International airpor and unsure how to get into Lake Chapala? Look at a map of Lake Chapala to get your bearings. Lake Chapala transport is easy and affordable.
Welcome to the best of Chapala Lake Travel Services, we know how important is to get any destination you are looking for whether is by land, sea or air, then to have everything you could need while in vacations, such as vehicle rentals and transportations, to move around. And also travel agencies, embassies, banks, etc.

Best Traveller Information in Chapala Lake

After choosing the destination, you may be looking for ways to get to your desired location.

For that is very important to find the right flight for you coming and going, moving around in transportations such as Car Rentals, private transportations, shuttle services, taxis, etc.

Local travel agencies to help you with other services while in vacations, and in case needed, the use and location of local embassies, immigration, banks, hospitals and clinics.


Travel Management Services in Chapala Lake Mexico

Starting with air transportations, airlines agencies and private flights, can be checked online, but they have some representatives on site such as airports and ports.

Services like private transportations, vehicle rentals, shuttles, etc. They are conveniently

located in popular and most visited areas, and in all the transportations ports such, airports, marinas, bus stations, and all over downtown area.

Even all ways of transportation could be arranged at any local travel agency among other services and recommendations.

In this cases, any travel agency could become your best friend to give you all kind of advices in what to do and see and things you should do while in vacations.

Some embassies are located sometimes outside tourist areas, as well as some hospitals and clinics, but always at a reasonable distance in case it is needed or emergency situations.


Car Rental Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico

Should I rent a car in Chapala Lake?

The answer is, yes, renting a car to go from one place to another is a very convenient and easy to enjoy this destination wood, there is much to see and much to explore, and places to go where there may not be tours available for those places, or to be paying taxis to be carried by to those parts can be very expensive.

Simply starting with the cost of only the transfer from the airport to your hotel, one way, can be as much as the rent of a car for a day.

Maybe you came to think that you do not know the destination well enough to know how to get to different parts, but currently there is a lot of information, either online, or directly asking locals how to get there, recommendations, what roads to take and shortcuts, and what places should not be missed on your trip.

Chapala Lake Car Rental mandatory insurance

Must take into account this aspect very well before renting, or plan the budget to rent a car, since you may believe, that you have fallen into some type of trap.

At the moment of making a reservation, and see that the cost per day is quite low or very cheap, maybe you do not take into account the mandatory insurance that most of the time is even more money than the same you pay per car per day.

And the truth, many feel that have been cheated in some way, by not having read the small letters of a contract.

So, pay close attention to this aspect, and ask directly, and make sure that you they are going to respect the agreement.


Car Rental Chapala Lake

There are many car rental agencies in Chapala Lake, all distributed throughout the destination from Ajijic to Jocotepec, San Juan Cosala, and practically have a representative, at any tourist point of the region.

These are the most representative and many have the support and guarantee of the major international brands.

They can be found mainly at the points of entry and exit of the destination, such as airports and bus terminals, as well as in the lobby of any hotel.

  • S&S Auto Ajijic

  • Linea Car Rental

Moving around in a Car Rental Lake Chapala and all along the Jalisco Mexico, this little beach and towns destination With all you have ahead to see and enjoy, so much to know and explore in just a little time To do it, we always think… if i could have more time.


Car Rental in Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico

Well, a Car rental to move around will make it easier Faster, and safer. Easy to move from one place to the next Without having to spend lots of time while moving.
Lots of scenary and beautiful landscapes to enjoy.

Jalisco Mexico Car Rental

One of the great things about some tourist areas Is that they know and we know, how important is to move From one place to another, easy and fast and of course, comfortable.
And why not, affordable to make sense with what your plans are.
You will find a car rental booth, or company If not, in the main arrival places like airports, bus stations, marinas And also in hotels, the frontdesk staff will happily assist you Or in case the very owner of your accommodation.
They want you to have the best time while vacationing.
They want you to come back!
And of course, main popular spots, in case you don’t have one
And realise, counting with this option make sense by far.


Chapala Car rental

You can go ahead and look around, what kind of Car rentals and rates are available, call to see if special Rates and promotions are available, or even you can come with
A nice deal for your vacations.
If you don’t want to anticipate that far, there will be somebody Waiting just to your arrival, help you and show what is available And what do they reccommend and also give you local advice Of popular spots to se and things to do yo can’t miss.
For shure they know how much time it takes from moving from a place to another.
They will give you a local map and local guide.


Lake Chapala Car Rental

Because vacation may be shorter, and there is not time To waste and start enjoying your vacations having Such a quality time with your loved ones, and moving comfortably From one place to another safe, and if you look closer

It will be more affordable and less expensive than Spend your money in taxis and buses, specially if you come With a large group or just you and your couple.
Or just simple, you feel much better driving by yourself.
Chapala Lake Taxi

Chapala Lake Taxi

As in all places in the world, being transported by taxi can be the safest and most flexible way to move from a point to another, this could be the best way to start the journey transporting yourself from the Airport Until your hotel in Chapala Lake, maybe it can be a bit expensive, so they offer prepaid services, or reservations in advance to get a better price.

Uber in Chapala Lake

There is Uber service in the Area, you may use this service as well, providing, great services and great rates.

The taxis themselves are a very convenient option, especially on short trips, or move to nearby places, to take to move greater distances, it is advisable to rent a car, for cost reasons.

Water Taxi

A very popular service, especially for hotels that are located in the marina of Chapala Lake are the water taxi, which will take you from a point in the marina to any beach you want in a convenient and fun way.

Chapala Lake Airport

Flights to Lake Chapala Airport

Guadalajara Airport which serves as an international terminal for entry and exit in the tourist destination, is located a few miles outside of downtown Chapala Lake, this is a bit away from the main hotels and tourist areas most visited.

So a transportation services is recommended that can go from the taxi, to rent a car, use an airport shuttle service, or public transport that is quite convenient and safe, and you can bring it to your destination.

Currently this airport serves as a port of entry and exit for many international and domestic flights to Lake Chapala, providing service to the largest airlines that have direct flights as well as connections to the main cities in the region, from Canada, the United States, Mexico and many other countries. Latin America

Traveller Information in Jalisco Mexico

There is always wise to plan ahead and check where are you going, where to stay and how to

get around and move to the places you want to see or the activities you want to do.

As a traveler, the chances to get flights to Lake Chapala ticket for the fraction of what you usually see, are big,

but there is a big risk of not getting that at all.

You may want go book flights to Lake Chapala when it sounds fair and makes sense to you in advance, then plan your whole trip, stay etc.

Moving around like local transportation or car rentals prices, doesn’t change as much.

They are pretty much fixed rates between a place and other.


best Travel Services in Chapala Lake for your Vacations

Find the best Traveller Information in Chapala Lake for your Vacations

Here we will list not just useful information to get here and moving around, but local information of services that you may need while in vacations and in case needed, to save your entire trip.

So try to keep this information at hand just in case.


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