Weather In Lake Chapala Mexico

Average temperatures by Month and rainfall in Ajijic, San Juan Cosala, Jocotepec and San Antonio Tlaycapan Jalisco

According to estimates made by National Geographic, it was concluded that the Weather In Lake Chapala Mexico is a second best worldwide, including the populations of Ajijic, Jocotepec Jalisco, San Juan Cosalá, San Antonio Tlayacapan Jalisco and the entire Riviera of el Lago de Chapala so well known preferred by many visitors.

This estimate based on reports where each month of the year presents very pleasant temperatures without becoming extreme becoming unpleasant experiences for visitors as very hot, or extremely low temperatures.

This estimate and he called the best climate in the world, and mainly by the visitors of the North of the continent who for several months experience extremely low temperatures while in the area of ​​Lake Chapala you can live peacefully at any time of the year.

Weather In Lake Chapala Average temperatures by Month and rainfall for Ajijic, San Juan Cosala and Jocotepec

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
High Temp. 75 77 80 84 86 83 79 79 78 79 78 76
Low Temp. 46 48 50 54 58 61 60 60 59 55 49 47
Precipitation 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.0 6.3 9.7 7.6 5.8 2.3 0.4 0.5

Temperature is maintained quite pleasant both high and low, making the difference particularly in the rainy season that Our Region of the country and the continent is during the summer.

the rain falls as a blessing to the mountains and the lake of Chapala helping in its recovery of levels, since the lowest levels occur during the warmer months of the year prior to the rainy season.

Lake Chapala is the main source of freshwater for the city of Guadalajara, the difference from the area temperatures tend to be a little higher in the city so the consumption of the vital liquid is increased.

To enjoy having excellent Weather In Lake Chapala Mexico has become a great attraction for those people looking for the Lake Chapala Retirement experience, a place that they can enjoy throughout the year from early in the morning for pleasant walks and outdoor activities, afternoon and evening and enjoy the Terraces in The small restaurants and cafes around the small towns that surround the Riviera.

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