Huerto Cafe Chapala

Huerto Cafe Chapala

Where to Eat and Drink in Riberas del Pilar San Antonio Tlayacapan Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico Huerto Cafe Chapala is a restaurant that as the name says is urban agriculture, where you can find an excellent cafeteria as well as beers and table wines. It is a place to share stories and experiences but enjoy…

Sunrise Restaurant

Sunrise Restaurant

Where to Eat and Drink in Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico Sunrise Restaurant is a small restaurant has a good selection of my food, combined with the service and pleasant atmosphere in addition to its quite convenient location on Calle Hidalgo in Antonio Tlayacapan where you can enjoy good breakfast and lunch dishes. As it is…

Chapala Jalisco Restaurants

Best Chapala Jalisco Restaurants

Do not let your chance to enjoy some of the best food in best Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico Restaurants being a great resort destination, put a great variety of high quality culinary options. Best Chapala Jalisco Restaurants Where to eat and drink Best Lake Chapala Restaurants and Bars around Lake Chapala What to do in…