Distance from Guadalajara to Lake Chapala
The Distance from Guadalajara to Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico is 39 Kilometers or 24 Miles, it is located literally near this big city less than an hour’s drive.
Basically has two main access points where you can get directly to the city of Lake Chapala Jalisco Mexico or on the other side to the city of Jocotepec Jalisco Mexico.
How Far is Guadalajara from el Lago de Chapala Jalisco Mexico
Distance from Guadalajara to Lake Chapala
The distance from the nearest point of the peripheral ring to the town of Chapala is 39 Kilometers or 24 Miles, the International Airport being in the immediate vicinity making a distance from the Airport of 31km or 19 miles
39 Kilometers or 24 Miles
Distance from Guadalajara to Lake Chapala via Jocotepec
56 Kilometers 35 Miles
While the other side reaching the town of Jocotepec is 56 Kilometers 35 Miles. This route may be more convenient depending on the starting point in the city of Guadalajara, in order to avoid agglomerations and traffic to reach the exit points of the city towards the lake.
Both roads reach directly unlike the surrounding mountains of the Sierra de San Juan Cosalá mountain range that is next to this place.
Distance from the nearest airport
31km or 19 miles
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla International Airport is the closest and the best option connecting to this area, due to Guadalajara is one of the largest and more important cities in the country, making it a very well connected with major international airlines flying to this Capital City or in such case have very close connections with near airports.
It is located almost in the middle between Guadalajara and the Lake making a easy way to come and go for many expats living in this place.
Close to Gudalajara City
This place has the best of The two worlds, is a quiet place with many beauty s natural that still retains its small town flavor, and on the other hand is located near one of the largest cities in Mexico that is Guadalajara.
So it will always be easy to find things necessary for daily life, that maybe in a small town could not find.
Another factor that has helped a lot, is the easy access to this destination, located relatively close to one of the largest airports in Mexico, which offers flights with connections to the main cities of the country and abroad making you literally visit the area, as easy as a single ticket and a short trip from home.
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